The challenge
We are very proud to have supported the Isle of Man on its journey to becoming the “best small island health and care system”. We worked with local teams on the design and delivery of the Health and Social Care Programme, which aimed to enable everyone in the Isle of Man to live happier, healthier and longer lives by transforming the way in which health and care services are structured and delivered.
Our approach
PPL and our partners Gemserv were engaged by the Isle of Man government to support Sir Jonathan Michael in developing a new plan for the island, and to then help transition this plan into reality. This included:
- A “whole-system” income, cost and activity model using existing data sources and/or extrapolated data from populations with similar demographics.
- A comprehensive review of health and care, building on a decade of other wide ranging reviews (over 40 in total).
- Detailed recommendations including which on-island services could be delivered more effectively working with NHS providers in England.
- An overarching Operating Model and Model of Care.
- Expert guidance to enable the Isle of Man to create and implement new governance, creating a separate provider body – Manx Care – out of the Department of Health and Social Care.
- Working closely with the Isle of Man Treasury to set up financial regulations to ensure Manx Care has suitable financial operational independence and control.
- Facilitating professionals and people with lived experience to work together to redesign care in line with best practice, covering diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.
- Coaching primary care leads to test out working together to provide enhanced dental care, dermatology, mental health, and first contact practitioners for physiotherapy.
Our impact
The work was unanimously accepted by the Isle of Man Tynwald – with patient representatives and voluntary sector leaders feeding back that it addressed their concerns and provided a clear and credible “roadmap” for the way forward – and Manx Care successfully went live in April 2021.